Vinyas Innovative Technologies vs Aimtron Electronics
Market Cap & Price:
Vinyas Innovative Technologies has a higher market cap and current price compared to Aimtron Electronics.
Profitability Ratios:
Aimtron Electronics shows higher ROCE (39.40%) and ROE (43.60%) compared to Vinyas Innovative Technologies (25.90% ROCE, 33.70% ROE).
Operational Efficiency:
Aimtron Electronics has a significantly higher Operating Profit Margin (25.40%) than Vinyas Innovative Technologies (10.30%).
Debt & Equity:
Aimtron Electronics has a lower debt to equity ratio (0.28) compared to Vinyas Innovative Technologies (0.75), indicating less reliance on debt financing.
Vinyas Innovative Technologies has a price to book value of 11.6 and a lower price to sales ratio (4.69) than Aimtron Electronics (13.6).
Promoter Holding:
Aimtron Electronics has a much higher promoter holding (71.30%) compared to Vinyas Innovative Technologies (29.40%).
Growth Metrics:
Vinyas Innovative Technologies outperforms in terms of profit growth (109% vs. 57.60%) and has a significantly positive profit growth over the last three years (120%) whereas Aimtron Electronics shows a negative profit growth for the same period (-3.98%).
Sales Growth:
Both companies show good sales growth, with Vinyas Innovative Technologies slightly ahead at 35.20% compared to Aimtron Electronicsβ 29.90%.